Mindful Presence in Stressful and Uncertain Times

April 2, 2020




With all the challenges and uncertainties we are currently experiencing, it is easy to become overwhelmed and to experience high degrees of stress. We are being bombarded daily with information, stories and what feels like restrictions to the point that we feel as though we have been uprooted from our lives. Unless we are proactive, this can lead us to feel as though we have less and less control. While there are many things we simply cannot control, we do have the capacity to choose how we act versus react to these events. There are strategies and practices we can engage in that allow us to not only take control over ourselves, but also provide for our mental, physical and emotional health in times of change and uncertainty. This webinar is designed to provide number of strategies that can be used to mindfully manage stress during these times, and to be more mindfully present to others in our lives. Not all of these are best for everyone. However, in working with individuals across the lifespan, I have found that everyone can find some of these effective. Additionally, one thing we know from the research on stress is that the more we feel that we have control over a situation, the less stress we feel. Most of these strategies are things we can actually do, and being proactive rather than reactive helps all of us to feel more in charge of those things we can control.

Click here to view the webinar details and access the free handouts.