Radical Endurance: Growing Old in an Age of Longevity

November 21, 2024




What does it mean to grow old in an age of longevity? For an increasing number of us, the stage of life that begins around age 75 may be almost as long as middle age, lasting anywhere from 10 to 20 years and even beyond. In this presentation and conversation, we will explore five hallmarks of lengthy old age: longer health spans, longer futures, greater vulnerability, greater uncertainty, and new ways of making meaning. From redefining health to thwarting loneliness, and from resisting ageism to preserving our ability to live independently, we will explore what it means to live happy, meaningful lives in old age. Finally, we will add to Age-Friendly Minnesota’s nine domains of livability a three-pronged tenth domain: intellectual, creative, and physical engagement. Questions and comments on all topics will be welcomed.