Using Labor Market Information to Inform Workforce Strategy

February 28, 2023




The post-COVID labor market, with job vacancies at a historic high, offers much needed respite and opportunity for upward economic mobility to the lowest paid workers, the same workers who suffered the most from the COVID-19 recession. At the same time, employers are facing workforce shortages crippling their ability to remain competitive in the market. Drawing on recently published research conclusions and, incorporating feedback from an ongoing series of presentations around the State, the presentation updates all the parameters of a pressing topic. Tim O’Neill, State of MN Employment and Employee Development (DEED) Labor Market Analyst will discuss highlights of recent research, focusing on job vacancy characteristics, employer-employee job-matching challenges, metro area hiring demand, and the effect of age and gender on hiring/employability. The Labor Market Information office produces employment and economic statistics in cooperation with the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Click here to view the webinar details and access the free handouts.
